I have a confession to make: Back in 2015, I used to own a Kylie Jenner fan account.
I was never a huge supporter of the Kardashians-- sure I found them entertaining, but I definitely never though they were role model material. But what I couldn't deny-- and honestly, still can't-- is that if I was given a day to legally do something illegal, I would use those 24 hours to raid Kylie Jenner's closet. Understanding that this fantasy would always remain nothing but a little dream, 15 year old Frances decided to go for the next best thing: create an Instagram account dedicated entirely to posting the lip-kit mogul's outfits, dictating where each piece was from, how much they cost, and where us non-billionaires can find cheaper alternatives. It was a hobby I used to be really embarrassed and secretive about, but looking back, I'm glad I spent 4 hours everyday scrutinizing designers clothes limb-for-limb and diving to the deepest pits of the Internet to pick out similar dupes, because it was precisely that skill that helped me build my wardrobe today. I'm often told that for someone who self-proclaims to be broke, I shop as if an ATM machines lives in my wallet. But here's my secret: that's just what I want you to think. True to my word, anyone who knows me can vouch that I am incredibly stingy with my money. As early as 13, my parents already taught me to spend only the allowance that I saved. So when I spend, just about anything above P300 is already "pricey" in my eyes. If that makes me cheap, then so be it. What I know for sure is that despite my tight grasp on my cash, I've developed a talent for picking clothes and shopping in places that can make any broke girl look boujee. MALL STORES Forever 21 Like most girls my age, I flock at the sight of their iconic yellow and black logo. But don't get me wrong; this isn't where I get my more eccentric finds. Instead, I rely on Forever 21 to provide me with basics galore! I often get my best simple pieces from here, even though this brand is more often associated with the fast-fashion aesthetic. If I need a good base (a tank top, leggings, etc.) for a good price, this is my go-to location. And if there's a fad that I can't help but join the bandwagon on-- for example, the newsboy caps-- I can be sure to find it in any one of their multiple branches since Forever 21 does specialize in producing what's trendy. Penshopppe I'm one of those people who really like denim, but refuse to buy it for anything higher than a thousand pesos. I know the assumption is that the higher the price tag, the better the quality, but I've come to realize that that kind of mindset belongs to people who can shell out as much money as their ability to justify can allow. Personally, for the amount of denim that I own, I wouldn't be able to justify thousands worth of purchases, no matter how "sturdy" the material. In the end, it all still boils down to knowing where to look. Penshoppe is my #1 store for high quality denim pieces at reasonable prices. Aside from their jeans and jean jackets, I also like to drop by every time they release a new celebrity collection because that's usually when I find really eye-catching clothes. MISCELLANEOUS Outlet Stores If you've read this far, then congratulations, you've just discovered my secret weapon. I have to admit that I'm still a sucker for the tag of a well-known brand; I mean, I wouldn't say that makes me brand conscious, but I can't deny that I love getting a bargain from a big name. So how do I do this-- How do I don retail-famous labels without spending the retail price? Outlet stores, my friend. Outlet stores. Shops that carry a surplus of manufcaturer-provided clothing are my best friends when it comes to getting a good bang out of my buck. In fact, every time I go to Laguna with my family, I make a beeline for Brand Smart, which is my go-to factory store outlet to satisfy all the Stradivarius, Zara, and Mango my heart hungers for without starving my wallet. Co-Ops/Multi-brand Concept Stores Just because you've never heard of a brand, doesn't mean you can't get some head-turning outfits out of it! Co-ops or multi-brand concept stores collect small, local companies and put it together in one store-- sort of like a retail mosaic! Often times, among these lesser known names is a dedicated owner with a seriously incredible taste in style who just hasn't gotten the attention due to them. Because of that, they sell their products for inexpensive prices, giving their first-time customers a real treat! Places like this, for example, The Penthouse, have the best collection of (relatively) cheap apparel that still know how to make a statement! Bazaars After going through my closet, I realized that a good majority of my best pieces come from nameless store in big, bustling bazaars. Anytime a new tiangge opens nearby, you can find me running through its aisles, giving each kiosk a quick glance until something grabs my attention to the point that I can't let go. Don't underestimate the power of a bazaar, because if you know how to pick the right clothes, you can never go wrong.
But the magic of the look lies within how you put together all your finds. This is how I combine mine:

Top: Outlet store (Stradivarius Denim Bodice)
Bottoms: Penshoppe

Top: Bazaar (I don’t condone buying fake streetwear merch, but I only got this for the purpose of cutting off the ends to turn it into a cropped hoodie)
Bottoms: Forever 21 (Contrast Stripe Leggings)

Top: Bazaar (Fun fact: I got this as a dupe for the Alexander Wang Parental Advisory mesh jersey shirt)
Bottoms: Co-op

Top: Bazaar
Bottoms: Outlet store (Stradivarius Combined Jacquard Skirt)
What’s your favorite look?