Ah, June. The end of a summer, and the beginning of a new school year. The idea of leaving the comforts of my home and freedom is quite daunting, and frankly, a little horrifying, but I'm powering through and mustering enough positivity to keep me motivated and psyched for the clean slate.
By the time I come back from my trip to Japan, I'll be entering my school as a senior. This is a big deal for me because it'll be my last year as a regular attendee of this campus. So I'm determined to make the most out of everything and really celebrate my title as a Povedan before I move on to calling myself something else.
So in attempt to make my final year as a highschool student the best, I've decided to write a monthly "Hello ___" post to inspire new goals and new experiences every 4 weeks!
1. Invest in cute school supplies.

This June, I'm hoping to stick to one aesthetic to keep me feeling organized and uniform all throughout the month. I've chosen to go with rich hues and minimalist pastel colors, so I'm aiming to stock up on cute school supplies to match. Hopefully I'll get to snag some on my trip to Japan this week!
2. Establish a strict study schedule.

Despite 4 months of review and semi-consistent daily study sessions, I feel like I'm still in denial about the fact that I'm taking my CETs this year. And it is because of this inability to cope with reality that I've been neglecting taking my home sessions seriously. My permanent vacation mode is definitely not helping this predicament as well, and I'm aiming to shake this off by the time school rolls around. In an attempt to do so, below I have attached my study routine.
The template is from the wonderful people over at FTD Fresh.
3. Start a good skincare routine.

Over the summer, I have realized just how terrible my skin gets under the scrutiny of heat and dirt. And with being in a populated campus 5 out of 7 days in the week, I know I need to make an extra effort to update my skincare routine. Not to mention the inevitable stress of senior year will definitely take a toll on me physically. Even if I know I can't pass this year with flying colors, I at least want to look like I did.
4. Better sleeping habits.

Honestly, I know this is almost impossible to expect of myself. But since June will probably be the tamest month of the whole year, I should at least try to make the most out of the sleep I'll still have available.
5. Drink more water.

Anyone who knows me is aware that I'm not the biggest fan of water. I don't have a strange, irrational fear against it or anything, it's just that it gets me full so quickly that it seems to leave no room for the delicious meals I could be having instead. But with my new skincare resolution in progress, I'm going to make an extra effort to change my ways. Starting with, of course, a pretty new water bottle to keep me motivated.
6. Save more money.
I'm terrible at saving, but I love to shop-- so as you might imagine, these two don't make the best combination. I want to change that and become more money-savvy so I can afford all the things I want without feeling guilty for robbing my bank account afterwards. So after many hours of researching, I've compiled some tips that I will try to incorporate to my daily habits.
7. Improve the blog.

For the last few months, I've avidly neglected the website. This stems from the fact that I know no body really reads these posts, but that's what I want to change. The more involved I become in my blog, the more other people will too. So I will try my best to follow a one-post-per-week ratio.
8. Exercise every weekend.
Every New Year's Eve I make this resolution, but by the end of the year, I'm greeted with 0% knowledge of how a gym looks like and 70% more body fat than what I started with. But hey, after announcing I'd get my dream bod 2 years in a row, maybe third time's the charm?
Workout routine courtesy of Power Girl Fitness on YouTube.
9. Keep yourself motivated.

Senioritis is no joke and I've seen it alive and breathing in my 2 older sisters. If you aren't familiar with the term, it's basically the lack of motivation and will to keep living that a student in their senior year of highschool gets, especially once she's already been accepted into her college of choice. All of a sudden, they no longer feel like attending class or doing schoolwork. This is usually when the students' grades drop and their performance during lectures becomes worse and worse. And although every aims to avoid this, they say it's inevitable. But for the time being, I'll let my blissful naivety aim for a Fran that won't catch the ever-present Senioritis.
10. Choose your battles.

With the new school year blooming, I've decided to leave all of my past troubles exactly where they are-- in the past. Summer drama will stay in the peach shoebox I keep the rest of my forgotten memories, and junior year blues in the pile under my bed together with the other remnants of 11th grade. I'm tired of feeling weighed down by people and decisions I made months or maybe even weeks ago, so I'm going to do myself a favor and purge these unnecessary stressors from my life. I'm gonna have a ton of those this year, so I don't need to get all overexcited and stock up beforehand. Surely, there will be no shortage of that once first semester rolls in.