In 3rd grade, I was obsessed over the department store.
I know, I know, I sound ridiculous. But hear me out-- I've always been a fan of things that seemed larger than life itself. So when you're a tiny 8 year old standing smack dab in the middle of one of the biggest department stores in your city, surrounded by thousands of shiny new products and each of them beckoning you to come closer and take a peek at them, you can't really blame my pre-pubescent self for the awe I felt as the towering shelves made me feel smaller than I already was.
Particularly, my favorite part of the store was the dining section. I can't exactly explain why, but there's just something about the allure of glistening champagne glasses and elegant details embedded into the silverware that just got my little heart pumping with excitement. Even then, I was already a sucker for the lavish lifestyle, so fancy dining utensils never failed to pique that interest.
Fast forward 8 years later, and I've still got a penchant for all things luxurious. Every time I see a well designed plate or beautifully sculpted glass, I still feel that familiar spark of joy. I appreciate art, and I appreciate functionability, so when you put those two together, you're bound to make me fall in love.
And it is for that exact reason why I was drawn to Sam's Lil' Hands' personalized cutlery collection. Crafted from only the finest stainless steel utensils of the renowned Rossetti silverware line, each piece is customized through a meticulous handcrafting process by the brand's very own Ms. Eliza Blabagno Inco. The extremely personal procedure of engraving letter by letter into the utensils ensures that no customer gets the same product twice. Most commercial inscribing services utilize machines for their carvings, but this completely strips the cutlery of the uniqueness and quirks that come with the imperfections of a handmade engravement.
Once again, I got the amazing opportunity to work with Ms. Eliza for this month's grand collaboration. She sent me 5 personalized pieces-- a pair of utensils, a dessert spoon, a coffee spoon, and a tea spoon, all of which I happily used for one whole month prior to this post.

For the table spoon, I got the phrase "cereal killer" engraved on the bowl (which is what you call the part that you put in your mouth) to help me set aside my usual scoopers from the one I'd be using for breakfast from now on. Maybe it was just my imagination, but ever since I started eating my Koko Krunch with Sam's Lil' Hands' piece, it's started to taste ten times better than it used to.

As for the fork, I got a witty little "May the fork be with you" inscribed on the handle, then Ms. Liza generously added a complementary "Frances" on the base. Digging into my dinner never looked so good!

The dessert spoon has my life mantra splayed out on the curve-- "Life is short, eat dessert first" as a personal reminder to always prioritize those that make me happy. Because if it's not making your veins pump with adrenaline or heart beat in eagerness, then it should never come first before the things that do. Never thought a utensil could inspire such deep "hugot"? Well thanks to Sam's Lil' Hands, you gotta think again.

"Coffee, tea, or me" is written on the scooper of my adorable little teaspoon. Every time I hear this quote, my mind always goes back to the early open jingles of my favorite radio station that used to have this line playing in their song. So every time I stir my tea, Sam's Lil' Hands helps me enjoy the beverage with the extra sweet taste of nostalgia mixed in every sip.

And lastly, you will see my favorite phrase "deja brew" on the coffee stirrer. Because, come on, we've all experienced doing something we regret prior to our first cup of joe in the morning, then feeling a spark of embarrassment once the java has entered our system and we're struck with mortification for our past action the moment we are forced to remember it.
Overall, I'm so glad to have found a brand that makes every dining experience a new unforgettable memory. Too many companies are so focused on just delivering visual eye candy that they forget that the whole essence of eating is the feeling you get after every bite. The famous rapper Childish Gambino once said, "Yeah you got some silverware, but really are you eating though?", and thanks to Sam's Lil' Hands' customized cutlery collection, I can assure you that I am not only ingesting my meals now, but indulging in them as well.
For more information on Sam's Lil' Hands and how to get your own personalized cutlery set,
Click here for their Facebook.
And here for their Instagram.
You can also visit them in The Craft Central, Greenbelt 5.