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An Inside Look on How To Become A Candy Correspondent

1. Showcase your writing skills in your application piece.

Seems obvious, right? Yet-- strangely enough-- some people still tend to hold off on fully releasing their full capacities when constructing their try-out piece. Personally, I had to write an article with a 300 word limit. So as someone who's a lot more comfortable just word vomiting until the character count starts displaying an innumerable amount of 0s, this was quite a challenge for me. I couldn't figure out how to subscribe to the restrictions without compromising the quality of my work, but instead of taking this as a reason to give up, it pushed me to go beyond limits without breaking the mandatory boundaries.

So after 2-3 hours of an excruciatingly tedious editing, chopping, and revising process, I finally created an application essay that catered both to the demarcation (it was exactly 299!) and my desires.

2. Be honest about why you want the job.

Don't try to say what you think the Candy editors want to hear. They'll be able to sniff out that automatic and generic response the moment your email pops up in their inbox. Don't cheat your application. If you want to be a correspondent to build new skills and apply your talents in a more professional outlet, tell them. But if you want the job simply for bragging rights or just because you want to go to events for free, then maybe you should reconsider your motivations and the position overall.

3. Make them need you.

Don't be afraid to tell them why you'd be a great addition to the team. If you're scared to sound vain by listing down all your achievements and amazing work ethics, you might as well say goodbye to the writing industry all together, because to thrive here, you have to prove yourself. Along with your fantastic writing skills, you also need to show them that you are experienced. If you won 8 writing contests in the span of 2 years, say it. Link it to them, even! Celebrate your success, but don't flaunt it. Remember dear Candy Girl-- if you want them to believe in you, you have to believe in yourself first.

4. Persevere.

Before I received that blessed acceptance email, something not many people may know is that I actually tried out the year before and failed. After a 6 year hiatus from the magazine, I finally bought a copy because it had The Vamps on the cover. Upon skimming through the issue, I discovered an ad calling for correspondents for the upcoming batch. It was summer, then, and I really didn't have anything better to do with my time, so on a whim, I decided to send in a half-hearted essay with too many flamboyant words in hopes of making up for the fact that I literally knew nothing about Candy anymore since the last time I was a frequent reader was when the Jonas Brothers still starred on the covers.

But surprisingly, even if I wasn't too committed in the beginning, I saw my rejection as a reason to strive harder. When the new batch of correspondents was chosen, I instantly began my year-long process to becoming the epitome of a Candy Girl. I religiously bought every issue to get the voice of the magazine, and also constructed a styling portfolio to later on show the editors. It is because of my desire that I even started my first proper writing blog on Tumblr. I used this to make sure I could write articles for Candy in the future. And whaddya know? A year later, my efforts didn't go to waste.

5. Don't be scared to go the extra mile.

Prior to being hired for Candy, I had already emailed the editors letters and messages about how I would love to be featured on the magazine. I also submitted articles to the site and even had 2 of the many I sent published! I also leaped at any opportunity for me to appear on the magazine itself. So after numerous random emails, they decided to include a picture of my DIY in the Anything Goes section of the Feb 2015 issue.

As for my application, despite the 300 word count, I still included a separate part of my email wherein I sent in photos of my styling portfolios, DIYs, and graphics.

If you really want it, social limits are just suggestions.

6. If your age is giving you doubts, don't let it.

The ad for the correspondents strictly stated that you had to be 15 and above to apply. But me? I was 14 when I sent in my email. When they accepted me, I was still 14 except I had 3 months until I'd finally be eligible for the position. Despite this, I still gave my all into that application. In turn, I was rewarded by the request to proceed to the Candy office for my interview. During the one-on-one, they raised the concern that I was underaged, but I told them I'd be of age in just a few months. I thought for sure that would be the end of my chances.

But at age 14, I still became a member of the 2016 Correspondents.

7. Embody a Candy Girl.

Of all the impossibly difficult Math problems and mind boggling questions that I've had to answer in my life, "What makes you a Candy Girl?" has got to be one of the top ones. I had no idea what the company defined a "Candy Girl" as, and I myself had no idea what that could possibly be. All I knew was what the magazine had done for me, but I wasn't sure if that would be enough to get me that spot.

But that was my mistake-- trying to give them an answer that I thought they'd want to hear. I was stuck on that question for days, going back and forth between the issues in hopes for a clue as to what the editors defined as a Candy Girl. The only time I found what I needed was when I decided to be honest and tell them what I thought it was.

8. Come prepared.

Contrary to popular belief, I did not get hired because I entered the office and completely blew away the editors with my outstanding interview skills. In fact, I was an absolute mess during my session with Ms. Macy Alcaraz and Ms. Erin Torrejon-- I came in 15 minutes late, donning a bulky school uniform, and wearing an overly neon sweater that was 2 sizes too big. And in comparison to all the fully made up aspiring correspondents wearing designer outfits and professional-level make-up? Yeah, I basically looked like a wreck. I hadn't anticipated traffic and travel time, so I came in messy and far from on time.

When I was given the on-the-spot application form, I was suddenly stunned to realize that they were going to ask me about my thoughts on the website. And guess what? Never in my entire year-long researching period did I actually visit This was instantly a huge issue for me as I knew nothing about it, and I was apparently going to be writing for it. What did I think I was applying for? Honestly, I didn't even know what a correspondent was, so I was just going to go with the flow.

But that mindset proved to be a very bad idea.

(My only saving factor was that I prepared a Thank You note addressed directly to my interviewers.)

So lesson of the day, dear aspiring Correspondent, be ready.

9. Just be yourself.

I know it sounds cliche, but there's a reason why this piece of advice is as overused as it is, and that's because it works. Many times during my application process, I tried to say things that I thought would impress the editors. But in the end, my authenticity and genuine desire to be able to represent girls like me is what eventually landed me the job. Don't be afraid to tell the team about who you are and what you could bring to the table. My interview was pretty much vanilla until I mentioned I co-owned an Instagram account dedicated to locating every single piece of clothing Kylie Jenner wore. This helped my editors recognize my interest in fashion and how dedicated I am when it comes to things I'm passionate about. Make yourself memorable. There are hundreds of talented girls who can work a pen or a keyboard, so you've got to give them a reason not to forget your name. I don't know what that reason for me was, but what I do know is that I would never be where I am now if I had tried to sound like everyone else.

10. Get ready to work.

If you've reached this far into my list, then you probably already know what a Candy Correspondent does. But if you don't, this position requires you to write a minimum of 2 articles every month (don't worry, you get to suggest 20 topics, then your editors compile everyone's ideas and you pick from the final list) for the website, and attend events/openings/concerts/PR parties (for free!) to put in your column. But as great as the job is, there's a lot of hardwork that comes along with it. Anyone who has ever been my seatmate during my term would know that I have spent countless break periods in front of my laptop (or in some cases, my notebook) composing articles as I desperately tried to chase after my 12:00 deadline. The libarry was my best friend during this whole experience, because I was always trying to come up with something for the site. Being a correspondent is loads of fun, but it's no game. I've traded in countless hours of sleep, rest, and hang-outs for this job, so if you aren't ready to sacrifice and compromise, then click out of this page right now, because then this position is not for you.

But if you are prepared to shed some blood, sweat, and tears for the greater good, then go ahead, Candy Girl. Click here to send in your entry for this year's Correspondents and get a chance to change a life, one word at a time.



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