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Nathan Sykes Live in MNL

You'd think that after a 2 year hiatus, the magic should've already worn off. But on the contrary, it made the enchantment even stronger.


2012 was a big year for me. I was a music-obsessed 12 year old who had just discovered her first band to fangirl over, and as luck would have it, that exact band decided to come to Manila in the same year. The #TWThrillaInManila was and is one of my most cherished memories-- through it, I was able to attend my first gig with my sisters and then-close friends. I also got to meet The Wanted, which was basically the highlight of my entire prepubescent life, and still one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had to date. The moment the lights dimmed and the announcer, with his booming voice, shouted "Manila, give it up for... The Wanted!", my heart was beating at an erratic pace. And when my favorite member, Tom Parker, first walked on stage, I felt my insides combust. I screamed a pitch I never even knew I could reach, and I climbed that metal barrier, rattling against the bars like a rabid monkey trying to scare off pesky tourists getting too close for a picture. It was insane, chaotic, and completely out of control-- but I had never been in at more peace.

So when the band announced in early 2014 that they were going to go their separate ways for a bit to pursue personal endeavors, you can all probably imagine how heartbroken I felt. I kept trying to convince myself that this really would just be a hiatus, but my faith began to waver once 2016 had rolled in and they had already removed the "TheWanted" affix from their usernames.

I continued to support them though, I didn't let their separation divide my dedication. I listened to Tom's DJ tracks, watched Max on Glee, kept up with Siva's and Jay's antics, and religiously jammed out to Nathan's solo tunes.

Then one day, I discovered that maybe my dreams of seeing the boys again wasn't so far off anymore.

"Nathan Sykes Live in Manila!" a proud tweet from the MCA Music account was going viral on my ancient and long-abandoned fan account's timeline. "It isn't all 5 of them though," I had thought a little forlornly. "But I guess one will do."

And boy, was I wrong.

Nathan Sykes' performance in the SM Megamall Fashion Hall didn't just "do". He didn't just suffice-- he exceeded. From his talented and equally quirky opening act, Edray Leona, to his own mindblowing performance, I was constantly struggling to find the balance between shrieking like a woman in labor and singing along without wrecking his mesmerizing melody. All this of course, could not have been experienced or possible without the help of Mr. Ricky Ilacad who in his extreme kindness blessed me with front row seats.

So when I tell you that Nathan Sykes is the living, breathing, walking, talking, Starbucks-drinking definition of "talent", I mean it. I've been to a fair share of concerts by now, so I've seen a good amount of talented artists. But it's his soul and utter passion that he infuses into every lyric, note, and little dance move that makes him so different from any regular singer. Even 4 years ago, I could never even call what Nathan could do as a "skill". I mean sure, of course he spent years training and cultivating his singing, but there's just something else about it-- an indescribable kind of magic that is undeniably interlaced in his performance that makes his talent not a mere skill, but a straight-up gift from the Big Man himself.

There is art in his system, and with every song, he paints the world a little more colorfully.

But despite being fully aware of what he's capable of, he still remains the kind-hearted and down-to-Earth soul he was back when he and his bandmates were still the stars of low-quality video diaries documenting their little bursts of success here and there in the UK.

During the meet and greet, he made sure to speak to each and every one of the guests. When it was my turn, he didn't show any form of rushing when I decided to word-vomit about how I had met him and supported him since his concert here 4 years ago. And in retrospect, although I know I might've not been the first to tell him this, his eyes still went wide and I could still see the genuine amazement in his expression. He thanked me and said it was nice seeing me again, and we ended the brief but wonderful encounter with a second hug. After that, I had to wait for all the groups to get their pictures taken with him so I went back to my seat and just watched the scene unfolding in front of me. One of the best things I witnessed was when a group of excited and chatty girls spent the whole alloted time grasping his attention with giggles and stories, thus not giving the lone quiet fan next to them a chance to speak. She was shy and had her head down, and although Nathan indulged in the 3 other girls' antics, he also made it a point to talk to the other one as well. He gave her a hug and asked her a question I couldn't hear, but the smile on the timid teen's face told me it was probably something sweet anyway.

Usually meet and greets are reserved for only an exclusive and lucky bunch, but for Nathan's concert, everyone who watched got lucky. So you probably think all of his fans got a chance to rub elbows with their idol since the ticket was affordable and the place was at the center of Filipino shopping, right?

Unfortunately, not so. The venue was packed not because all the seats were fully taken, but because loads of people were watching from every floor to the point that Megamall began to resemble an arena. Fans outside the performance area were waving Nathan over and yelling his name, and while most artists might have just flashed a smile and went back to entertaining the paying supporters, he was different. He gave importance to every person that took time out of their busy schedule to watch him, whether they shed out some pesos or not. He even attempted to ask his team if he could take selfies with the fans outside, but since they didn't permit this, he just opted for a big Snapchat selfie to encompass everyone who wanted a picture.

His vibe during the signing didn't differ either. He accommodated everyone and made sure to sincerely thank each person for coming (he even added a little "again" for me!). His generosity once again became apparent when one of his fans had slipped him the old Battleground CD cover, asking him to sign it even if the MCA Music staff had strictly reminded everyone to only give his personal CD. But before the nearby employee could ask the fan to take it back, Nathan calmly said that he was alright with singing it. So he scribbled his signature on the pamphlet, and handed it over with a smile. He later on revealed that he used a different signature, but still-- he indulged her, even when he didn't have to.

This is what a true artist is. Someone who makes art and knows it cannot be contained and does not berate others for sharing the same sentiment. Someone who knows that at times you need to break the rules if you want to express what's locked inside of you. Someone who will do anything to add some color to a black and white world especially if it means brightening someone else's. Someone who embodies art itself and does not hesitate to bring out the masterpieces of emotion in his listeners.

They say that the world gives us art, so now we must give it back.

And I for one believe that Nathan is more than syked to do just that.



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